I am going to attempt to type up some dreams I've had recently. It seems that my dreams are premonition type dreams, but I haven't figured out the timing yet. Several things have come true....I dreamed about Columbine about a year before it happened. The dream I am going to recount here was also about a year, or a year and a half ago. DREAM: I am standing in front of a window.... I saw myself messing with something...something stick like, but can't remember what is was. Suddenly, a bird flew in my window. I walked over to the window, and had a chat with the bird. It seemed to be there to tell me something, and I remember in the dream, having a short conversation with it, before I was interrupted. ACTUAL OCCURANCE: One day about a 2 months ago, I was upstairs in my bedroom cleaning it, and hanging up clothes. I had a hall tree there in front of a window that I hung hangers on that weren't being used. I was getting tired of looking at it, so I began taking the hangers off of it to move it downstairs, and out of my way. As I'm removing the hangers, this dream (above)pops into my mind. I vividly remembered seeing myself messing with these hangers again, and recall that I turned around to see a bird in my window. I thought to myself,....wouldn't it be weird to see a bird fly in the window, and it was so strange that the memory popped into mind, that I actually turned around to look at the window and see if a bird really was there! I laughed, and thought...naaaa. I headed downstairs with the hall tree, and stuck it in a corner of a room, and headed back upstairs. (still laugh about this!) I got no further than the 4th step when I heard a flapping sound!! Lo and BEHOLD there was a barnswallow flying around in my bedroom!!! Opie was up there, sunbathing in the window, so I ran upstairs as fast as I could and rushed Opie downstairs to make sure she didn't get the bird. I freaked her out running to her that way, so it didn't take long to get her out of the room, and was able to get back to the bird before it hurt itself. It ended up flying in between the panes of the window, and I managed to bring it to safety.... I was just amazed at the events of that day....who knew?? |  |